Tuesday, April 27, 2021

As Seen At Church: The Pot vs. The Pot Belly

Every Sunday a large container filled with water bags is brought in and placed within reach of all the thirsty church goers.  Today was no different.  A large pot was brought in and placed just inside the church door where those of us outside were witness to all the shenanigans that happened around it.  About midway through the service, the pot caught the attention of a little boy.  He had a nice little round pot belly on him and he stood just a little taller than the pot itself.  He began throwing a biscuit into the pot which was kindly retrieved by two children who were hanging around, enthralled with helping him out.  After several throws and retrievals they caught on to his game and they stopped fetching it for him.  So it was up to the little guy with the pot belly to fetch his own biscuit out of the pot.  The first time he successfully bent over the side of the pot and handily retrieved that biscuit.  So naturally it was time to try again.  This time leaning that little pot belly over the pot there was a sudden and collective gasp from the audience as gravity and that little pot belly took him right over the edge until all we could see were two little toddler legs sticking out of the pot.  He was quickly rescued and the pot removed from reach while we all had a good laugh.  That pot and gravity got the better of him!

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