Monday, October 13, 2008

Visitors From Afar

It wasn't the Magi but I did have visitors from afar this Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. My Mom and Dad came from Toronto to make sure I was still alive! Saturday, we took a day trip up to Quebec City and soaked in the beauty of the last changing leaves. I think Fall is my Mom's favorite season so she just loved the drive. We ate a picnic lunch and then walked all over the city. It was a beautiful day but I think the city was even more packed than the last time. It must have been a good day for sailing because there were lots of sailboats out on the water. Mom and Dad got to see and enjoy some of the same street performers that I saw the first time including the awesome golden statue guy! We were all tired but enjoyed our day. Sunday was a lazy day but Mom and Dad went to French church with me. I had invited my neighbors and my friend Katye to come for Thanksgiving dinner since we were cooking a big turkey. About 10 am things were at a good stopping point and Mom wanted to go for a walk. So we headed up the big hill behind my house. It leads back to "West Virginia" or a farm that reminds me a lot of the area where my mom grew up. Anyway, we were on our way home and my Mom was just slightly behind my Dad and I and she took a tumble. She landed flat on her face. It really scared me because it looked and felt a lot like watching myself fall off the retaining wall back in 11th grade when I busted my teeth. She thought, at first, that it was just her nose bleeding but there was quite a bit of blood. I took off running to go get my car and left Dad to take care of her. In true African style, they used leaves to wipe the blood away because there just wasn't anything else. We got her home and after sitting awhile with ice she was able to get her nose to stop bleeding. It's really quite swollen and she has a nasty bump above one eye and on her chin. This afternoon her wrist started to hurt quite a bit...I think she may have broken her fall with her hands. Anyway, this was a not so pleasant end to the visit. Please pray for her as they head home tomorrow that she won't be too uncomfortable, that she'll have the wisdom to know if she needs to see a doctor and that her bumps and bruises will heal quickly!


  1. Carol!!!
    We are so sorry...
    That is a nasty hill...James fell one morning during his daily walks up and down that hill!!
    We are praying!!
    How did the exams go?
    NUTS was great...Sahel Suns (Competitive) WON

  2. Beth,
    Falling is scary, no matter how old you are. OUCH!
    Your mom will be remembered. Please let us know an update on her condtion. Shannon


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