Friday, January 30, 2015

Compound Word Day

This is what happens to you when you plan a special event, forget and then have to do some last minute scrambling!  Yep, that's spend the day looking like a fool but it's all for the children, I tell you.

So I ran across this fun idea of having a Compound Word Day.  No better way than to start the new year with a little fun, the goal being that everyone would come to school wearing as many compound words as possible.  So on the actual day my mind was elsewhere and I completely forget that I planned to wear my t-shirt with "sunshine" and my "baseball" cap and "earrings".  You know, things that normal people wear!  So when I got to school and remembered I had to improvise.  After consulting a list of compound words, I decided that I could quickly transform myself into a "waterfall" with a "rainbow".  So that's how I ended up spending the day looking like this.

As for my students, they did a much better job of remembering and came up with some fun compound words.


Sunglasses, headscarf, lipstick, necklace and snowman

backpack, necktie, swimvest 
(not sure about this one but hey, we were all looking crazy together)

bathrobe, butterfly, handbag, baseball, sundress

Compound Word Day was awesome!

Don't be surprised if you see me wearing my super smooth costume again next year!  Ha!


  1. Replies
    1. Ha! Thanks. Nothing like embarrassing yourself for the children!

  2. You rock!! The sacrifices we make for the children, I tell ya....

  3. Hi Beth! Thanks so much for sharing your post with me! I love seeing how other teachers use my ideas-- especially around the world! I taught in Ghana for a month and it was a truly amazing experience. Do you have any favorite posts about your teaching experience in Africa? I would love to read them!

    EduKate and Inspire

  4. Hey Kate! Thanks for stopping by. Having taught in Ghana you would understand how hot it can be here...Here's something fun we did to try and take our minds off of that little problem - spontaneous and a lot of fun!


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