Monday, July 27, 2009

One of the Sweetest Sounds on God's Green Earth

We had about an hour downpour and then about 5 more hours of intermittent rain. Anyone who's ever lived in this part of Africa knows how treasured the sound of rain is.

After the rain, I found a spot by a window looking out onto the street below and it proved to be some very interesting people watching. Everything made more interesting by the enormous amounts of water in the streets. It wasn't too long before one of my students, Kay, came along and joined me at the window. Here is some of what we saw...
Everyone rolls or hikes up their pants and wades through the water. The cars make huge splashes as they pass.I loved this guy riding the motorcycle with his knees practically up to his chin so his pants wouldn't get wet as he forded through the water.
So that's it...the view of the street and here were the two people watchers.

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