Saturday, March 24, 2012

Verbs: Our Action Heros

Recently, I made a new discovery - the wonderful world of Teachers Pay Teachers!  The awesome thing about this site is that there is a ton of free stuff that teachers have created and are willing to share.  Trust me, a teacher can have a whole lot of fun there!  I didn't really venture into buying anything until Leap Day when they had a big sale (maybe 50%) and I figured that it's as close as I'll ever get to a teacher's store out here so, why not? 

After creating our little noun town we moved on to verbs so I bought this little unit on verbs created by The Teacher Wife.  It has a superhero theme which my students definitely enjoyed.  One of my favorite ideas from the unit was to get the kids moving by playing the song Move it! Move it! from Madagascar.  I just turned it on and let them dance, although I think it would have been far more effective if it had been used as suggested with the students moving and freezing when the music went off.  As it was, some of my students showed me their moves and let me tell you, they were interesting!  One child laid on the floor wiggling arms and legs in the air.  Around these parts, we like to call that move the Cockroach.

 Anyway, after talking about the past tense of verbs I had the kids pair up and write a story about how they rescued someone using their "super powers".  They had to underline all the past tense verbs.  We have also been studying the Vikings and the students had all given themselves a nickname based on something they are good at doing - these became their super powers. These stories were highly entertaining!  You can read them here.

I discovered the book Charlie's Superhero Underpants in our library.   Books about underwear are just plain funny when you are in the primary grades. Plus this one has some great verbs in it and so I decided to give it a try. 
After reading the book we made a chart of Charlie's Heroic Actions.  Some of the verbs came directly from the text of the story while others were from what the students saw happening.

The next day after reading the story again I had them divide a paper into fourths and write a sentence in past, present and future tense.

Don't you love the way Charlie is desperately reaching out for his underwear in that last square?  They are blowing away again!
I'm pretty sure that Charlie is winking in the upper right hand corner of this one.  How funny is that!

So there you go - some fun things we've done with verbs!

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